Lazaros Vrysis

Lazaros Vrysis was born in Thessaloniki, Greece on October 16, 1985. He completed his studies at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and received the diploma degree in Electrical Engineering in the direction of Electronics and Computer Engineering in September 2009. He completed the interdisciplinary post-graduate program, “Advanced Computer and Communication Systems”, in February 2013. Now, he is studying at the graduate program of the same department to the doctorate, focusing on “Audio-visual processing for the human communication analysis”. He specializes in educational software and mobile gaming design and semantic audio-visual analysis based on digital video processing. In the last few years he has developed numerous software solutions, working on research projects and he has published over 20 applications and games for the Apple App Store winning two 1st position prizes in LUDUS – Second Best Serious Gaming Competition on Best Concept and Best Functional Game categories.

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